Alcanta offers technologies, in situ investigations and laboratory tests for geotechnics, geophysics, geognostics, bituminous conglomerates, structural investigations and monitoring, construction materials.
Alcanta operates on a national and international scale with a portfolio of customers distributed across public administrations, private and public companies, freelancers and private individuals.

Our Mission:
We control building materials and soils quality by independence and applying the highest standards, to provide reliable tools and data that can help guarantee the best levels of safety and durability of structures and infrastructures.

Our Vision:
Contribute to minimize risks for populations in the use of structures and infrastructures, actively and constantly participate in technical-scientific progress regarding tests, inspections and related certifications (TIC), generating safety and value for our stakeholders.

Alcanta valorises the history of qualified and hyper-specialised operators, some of whom have been active in this field since 80s.